
Former child star turned night sh*tcoin trader is best known for his full bellied laugh along with stalking small wallets with hard to swallow buys after he sees they've sold the chart.

The Hedgefund

The Pepe Hedgefrog, "Leader" and coconspirator involved in profiteering off low cap cryptocurrencies is both adored and hated by his peers. He received his nickname The Hedgefund because of his ability to stay untethered on the blockchain and rake in thousands to hundreds of thousands on the bloodiest of days on the market.

Big Print

His Forex wizardry caught the eye of the Hedgefund which granted him passage into the exclusive club. He's light on words, but heavy on green. Big Print is relied upon for his passing corporate demeanor when pitching the newest future of finance to venture capitalists.


Brings the wildcard factor. Always looking over his shoulder for new alpha. He still rides around in his high school Honda Civic receiving large wads of cash through a 90% enclosed window